There was a question on on the AUGI forum regarding getting a keyboard shortcut to toggle the display of the Space Reference Category in a view, so I figured this would be a good learning experience for me. Its always best to have a goal to aim for with programming so I intended to create a simple add-in that could achieve the request and a keyboard shortcut could then be linked to the add-in.
Here is the code I created:
#Region "Imported
Imports Autodesk.Revit.DB
#End Region
<Transaction(TransactionMode.Manual)> Public Class AdskCommand
Implements IExternalCommand
Public Function
Execute(ByVal commandData As ExternalCommandData,
ByRef message As
String, ByVal
elements As ElementSet)
As Result Implements IExternalCommand.Execute
'Function to isolate a workset based on a selected element
Dim uiapp As UIApplication = commandData.Application
Dim uidoc As UIDocument = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument
Dim doc As Document = uidoc.Document
Dim Transaction As New Transaction(doc)
Dim cat As Category = doc.Settings.Categories.Item(BuiltInCategory.OST_MEPSpaceReferenceVisibility)
If doc.ActiveView.getVisibility(cat) = False Then
doc.ActiveView.setVisibility(cat, True)
doc.ActiveView.setVisibility(cat, False)
End If
'Must return some code
Return Result.Succeeded
End Function
End Class
So essentially all that happens is the Space Reference category is defined
Dim cat As Category = doc.Settings.Categories.Item(BuiltInCategory.OST_MEPSpaceReferenceVisibility)
then if it is currently on it is hidden, if it is hidden then it is turned on:
If doc.ActiveView.getVisibility(cat) = False Then
doc.ActiveView.setVisibility(cat, True)
doc.ActiveView.setVisibility(cat, False)
End If
Download the AddIn File
Download the DLL
Save the AddIn file to the correct location for your Revit installation and then save the dll to:
you can change the location, but you will have to modify the addin file to point to the correct location.
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